Greene County Public Health has certified child passenger safety technicians who will assist with car seat installation and provide safety checks to ensure your car seat is safe for  your children. 

What We Offer

  • Safety checks on location, at homes or in a virtual setting
  • Connections to information on special needs vehicle safety
  • Guidance through the installation process
  • Providing brand new child safety seats at no cost upon completion of installation education

What We Look For In A Safety Check

  • Selection--is the car seat appropriate, unexpired and free of recalls
  • Direction--is the seat installed appropriately for age and size of child
  • Location--is the seat installed in the most appropriate location
  • Installation--is the seat properly secured using LATCH or seatbelt
  • Harnessing--is the child harnessed correctly and the straps appropriately threaded

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My sister gave me her old car seat. Can I use it for my baby?
  • We have a pick-up truck. Where do I install a safety seat?
  • My car doesn't have LATCH. How do I install my child's seat?
  • My child has grown a lot this year. Can they just use a seat belt?
  • My baby just had their birthday. Can I turn them forward facing?
  • I have four kids. How can I fit them all in my vehicle?

For more information or to schedule an appointment for a safety check, please call Public Health at 515-386-3228.