Regular vaccinations are an important part of keeping your child-and you-healthy and safe. At Greene County Medical Center, keeping your entire family's  immunizations up-to-date is as easy as walking through the door.

During flu season, Public Health holds special flu clinics, including a drive-through option. Flu vaccine is recommended for anyone 6 months and older. More information is available by calling Public Health at 515-386-3228. 

Covid vaccinations  for individuals 6 months and older are available any time of year at Public Health.  

Regular immunization clinics are held weekly on Wednesdays during office hours, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

An evening clinic is held on the third Wednesday of each month from 4 - 6:15 p.m.  Any child in need of an immunization may come to the clinic.

Immunizations may be scheduled at other times and on other days by appointment.  We accept Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance plans that cover immunizations. Call (515) 386-3228 or (800) 544-3554 for an appointment.

Child Immunizations

Your child is required to be fully immunized before entering any elementary or secondary school.

Immunization Schedules

Infant Recommendations (to be completed by age 2)

  • Polio (IPV): Three (3) doses
  • DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis): Four (4) doses
  • HIB (Haemophilus Inflenza B): Three to four (3-4) doses
  • PCV13 (Pneumococcal conjugate): Four (4) doses
  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella): One (1) dose
  • Chicken Pox (Varicella zoster): One (1) dose 
  • Hepatitis A: Two (2) doses
  • Rotavirus: Three (3) doses

Early Childhood Programs (daycare and preschool programs)

  • 4-5 months: 1 DTaP, 1 Polio, 1 Hib, 1 Prevnar
  • 6-11 months: 2 DTaP, 2 Polio, 2 Hib, 2 Prevnar
  • 12-18 months: 3 DTaP, 2 Polio, 2 Hib, 3 Prevnar
  • 19 months and older: 4 DTaP, 3 Polio, 4 Prevnar, 1 MMR, 1 Varicella (or history of natural disease) 


  • Polio: At least four (4) doses of polio vaccine must be given with one dose being received after the child's 4th birthday.
  • DTaP: At least five (5) doses of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis must be given with one dose being received after the child's 4th birthday.
  • MMR: At least two (2) doses of measles and rubella-containing vaccine must be given with the first dose being received before 12 months of age and the second dose being received at least 28 days after the first dose.
  • Hepatitis B: At least three (3) doses of Hepatitis B vaccine.
  • Varicella: At least two (2) doses on or after 12 months of age (or history of natural disease).


  • Hepatitis A: Two (2) doses (if not received in early childhood)
  • Tdap: Recommended for all adolescents 11-18, required for entry into 7th grade
  • Menveo: Recommended at age 11 - two (2) doses if first dose given prior to age 16, one (1) dose if given at age 16 or older
  • HPV: Three (3) doses for all adolescents age 9 to 26, regardless of gender
  • Varicella: Only given if there is no history of natural disease.  1-2 doses depending on prior history of immunizations.
  • Serogroup B Meningococcal: available for adolescents/adults ages 16-23

Requirements for children entering school in Iowa during 1st to 12th grade years vary according to birth date.

Provisional Certificates are available for children who have begun but not completed the required immunizations.


Public Health offers the following adult vaccinations as needed:

  • Hepatitis A: Two (2) doses
  • Hepatitis B: Three (3) doses
  • Pneumococcal Conjugate/Pneumococcal Polysaccharide: One (1) dose of each pneumonia vaccine is recommended for those age 65 or older
  • Tdap: One (1) dose recommended for all adults
  • Td: This tetanus/diphtheria vaccine is recommended once every 10 years 
  • HPV: Three (3) doses recommended for adults ages 19-26
  • Serogroup B Meningococcal: available for adolescents/adults ages 16-23
  • Shingrix (shingles vaccine): 2 doses recommended for people 50 years and older