Greene County Medical Center Foundation Receives Donation from Bomgaars Ladies' Night

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Nancy Houska, Director of the Greene County Medical Cen

JEFFERSON, Iowa – Greene County Medical Center was recently presented a donation in the amount of $390.39, raised during the October 23 Bomgaars Ladies’ Night. During the annual event, 5% of total sales are allocated to a local hospital, ladies’ organization or cancer center for the benefit of patients and to raise awareness of women’s health issues.

“We are grateful to have been selected for the 2022 Ladies’ Night and want to thank Bomgaars and all who participated,” said Nancy Houska, Greene County Medical Center Foundation Director. “This support plays an important role in our ongoing efforts to raise awareness and support cancer patients through the purchase of equipment or other oncology-related needs.”

Bomgaars is reporting a great overall response to Ladies’ Night—festive, fun fall shopping that includes a 20% discount for the evening. Across the 107 participating locations, $113,035.71 was raised at last October’s event.