Greene County Medical Center Introduces Walk-In Mammo Mondays
by Greene County Medical Center - February 2, 2024
JEFFERSON, Iowa – Greene County Medical Center is pleased to announce a new convenient way to get a screening mammography done in 2024. Each Monday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. qualified patients can simply walk-in to the hospital to have their annual mammogram.
“During the month of October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we offered this option,” explained Imaging Director, Heather Booth. “The positive feedback and popularity of our walk-in event brought about a discussion on hosting them more frequently. We are excited to be able to offer this new opportunity to all the community members we serve.”
Booth stresses there are qualifications to participate. The patients last mammogram must have been at least one year prior and those images must be at Greene County Medical Center and available for review. Mammo Monday’s are for screening mammograms only. If a patient is experiencing any symptoms, they will need to contact their primary care provider and schedule a diagnostic mammogram.
Those who would like more information or have questions are encouraged to contact the Imaging department at Greene County Medical Center at 515-386-0443.