Medical Center Board Members Receive Certification

Greene County Medical Center Board of Trustees with the

Four of Greene County Medical Center Board Members received certifications from the Iowa Hospital Association (IHA). Board Members William Raney, Doug Hawn, Kim Bates, and Jim Schleisman were awarded certificates and pins for their Iowa Hospital Association’s (IHA) Trustee Education Certification (TEC) at the May Board Meeting.

The IHA Hospital Board Certification program is a voluntary process for strengthening leadership and accountability. The program provides educational guidance to ensure excellence, innovation and accountability in health care governance.

”At Greene County Medical Center we are proud to have a Board that values the continuous learning, which in turn helps the Medical Center continue to provide high quality care,” says Chad Butterfield, Greene County Medical Center CEO. “The fact that Greene County Medical Center trustees are pursing these development opportunities and becoming more informed and aware of their responsibilities as they serve this community, is amazing. This Board is a knowledgeable and dedicated group of leaders.”

The program requires learning opportunities, leadership forum attendance and other learning opportunities on topics such as health care environment issues and trends, compliance, quality and patient safety and finance. The Medical Center’s board members are publicly elected non-partisan officials.



Greene County Medical Center

Always Here, Always Caring